My name is Colbi Bruce. I was born and raised in a small town just outside Austin, TX. I am a PFTA certified personal trainer, nutritional guidance counselor and work as a fitness instructor for Corporate Fitness Revolution. I have always been interested in fitness and reaching my body’s physical potential, but just recently entered into the world of fitness modeling. I really see the environment as a gift to humanity for sustenance and intrinsic beauty. I also believe that it is our responsibility to maintain and protect this precious gift with which we have been blessed.
I’m an active member of several environmental groups, and charity organizations. I love volunteering my time to pick up litter on our Texas highways, plant new trees and voicing my views on the importance of respecting our environment. In addition, I also make smart choices in my everyday life pertaining to efficient use of environmental resources. These include taking short showers instead of baths, re-purposing previously used paper and plastic products, and car pooling whenever possible.